Technology "Rules of Thumb" for 2020

It’s 2020, a new year, meaning fresh new opportunities. Here at Tech Coaches we will be taking this opportunity to start up this new corporate blog. A blog is a great way for us here to connect with you on a frequent basis, give you a peek at what we are all about, and hopefully teach each other something new.

Today’s post will be focused on what we here at Tech Coaches believe to be the “Rules of Thumb” that we think you should take into 2020 when approaching technology.

Today’s technology landscape is in a constant state of motion. The reality is that our devices will never stay the same. They will constantly be upgraded and remodeled to enhance the users overall experience, whether we prefer the changes or not. This fast progress into our digital future requires average people to constantly have their finger on the pulse of technology, to ensure they continue to feel comfortable and confident when using it. From smartphones and apps like UBER and AMAZON, to ordering coffee from a touchscreen at a restaurant and paying with tap using a credit card, our community will continue to adopt more technology, not less. 


Everyone seems to have a different opinion about technology and how to use it safely and effectively. Sometimes it’s difficult to determine what information is most useful for you. As technology educators, Tech Coaches has a few basic “rules of thumb” about technology we believe are important for everyone to consider.

  1. Technology will “mess up”. At some point, even a brand-new device will do something unexpected or an error might occur. It’s important for you to know that it wasn’t necessarily anything you did. Think of it like a hic-up. Don’t worry about it. Restart your device, whether it’s a laptop, cell phone, or TV, and your problem could likely be fixed. If it is, move on with your day. Don’t focus on why the hick-up happened.

  2. You are faster than your technology. Take your time when using devices lke tablets and computers. No need to rush. If you try to do things too quickly, you can sometimes complicate things by making the device try too hard. For instance, clicking on an icon over and over because you want Microsoft Edge to open faster will require more “work” from your computer, which will make the process take even longer. People feel this way even about brand new technologies, so be sure to have patience with whatever gadget you’re using.

  3. Technology slows down over time. No matter how well you take care of it, your laptop, iPad, or Samsung Galaxy Tab will eventually start to get slower. Things will start taking longer to do. Even within the first year of owning it. So, if you have an old computer, you can expect that the age of it directly influence the speed it can work at. You should know that modern technologies are manufactured with an anticipated life span, which seems to be getting shorter as we continue to invent new devices. They don’t make them like they used to ☺

  4. Companies will NOT call you legitimately to help solve technology problems. If someone calls you claiming to be from a company who is monitoring the health of your devices, it is ALWAYS a scam. Outside companies do not have insight about your home-based devices and if there are any problems with them. In fact, these individuals are trying to gain access to your devices, in attempts to steal any information they deem valuable. They would like you to tell them your credit card number too, to make payment for fixing your computer problems... This is nothing but trouble. If you receive calls like this, hang up!

If you keep these basics in mind, you will certainly have a better experience using technology. As citizens in a quickly changing technological world, we should not let small hic-ups keep us away from trying new things. Always remember that technology tries to make our lives better, so overcoming a few technical issues along the way is no big deal. Keep learning and keep practicing!

Christopher Bint
Chief Learning Officer